The In-Between

The in-between — the waiting place.

That in-between place is familiar to all of us. We know what it’s like to be waiting for something. We’ve all been in that middle place between where we’ve been and where we want to go. Whether it’s a job, a marriage, a baby, ministry success, or news from the doctor, we’ve all been waiting on the tarmac of the in-between. That place of waiting is a restless place. It’s a place of uncertainty, questions, and sometimes sorrow and fear. When you know your life isn’t continuing in the same way it has been, but you are also not in the new place yet. That’s where we are currently. Doesn’t it often feel like life in the waiting place would be easier if we knew how long it would last? And yet, I wonder what we would miss out on if we knew.

2 weeks ago, we shared about how God unexpectedly opened the opportunity for us to serve overseas in Dakar, Senegal. (Click HERE if you didn’t receive our mailchimp newsletter.) It’s been a busy 2 weeks of paperwork, logistics, and raising support through our partner organization RCE. It has also been a humbling yet encouraging experience to have others come alongside us in partnership. We are currently at 15% of our financial support goal. It’s so easy to allow the doubt and questions to flood our minds and wonder how it will be possible to raise $3,000 a month in such a short amount of time. Will we make it to Dakar in 5 weeks? Will we make it on time to begin the school year? It’s so easy to try to figure things out on our own rather than to trust the Almighty, our Provider. And isn’t that exactly where the Enemy wants us? To be in the throngs of doubt and distrust? To be in a place of man-made control rather than one of complete surrender? To try to rush the process and take matters into our own hands rather than actively waiting on Him to work and move in His perfect way and timing?

I’m reminded of this quote:

“Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible.”

– Mandy Hale

What is this “beauty of becoming”? What is in the “in-between” and in the waiting that molds and shapes us into becoming more like Him? Why is it so hard to wait? Especially in the midst of uncertainty. Often when we don’t have the bigger picture, we have to take it one piece at a time. What is God showing me today? What can I focus on, accomplish, or learn today? How can I rest in Him, knowing that He is in complete control? It’s in the in-between and in the uncertainty that we actively wait on Him through active dependence upon and obedience to God. 

And yet…“when nothing is certain, anything is possible!” When we get out of the way; when we quiet the questions, doubts and fears; it leaves room for the Lord to work and move in unimaginable ways! Ways that our finite minds could not possibly comprehend.

So we wait, with eager anticipation, in the midst of the uncertainty, believing that anything is possible!

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